Tuesday 12 March 2013

Tute: Lesson 2 evaluation

Tutor Overview: During the lesson the following areas were covered:

1)     Pupils were taught how to understand and remember basic weather vocabulary in English and to know what it means in Spanish.

2)     Pupils were taught to learn and repeat correctly Spanish weather vocabulary and basic expressions.

3)     Pupils were taught how to write simple sentences in Spanish to describe the weather.

How the students responded to the lesson:          
The year 4 pupils who participated in the Spanish lesson on the revised topic of the weather today were very keen to repeat key weather vocabulary and expressions when asked to do so. It is clear that these pupils are making progress with their Spanish pronunciation. Furthermore, the pupils are now recalling what these Spanish words and expressions to describe the weather mean in English which is very pleasing to see. The pupils worked hard to give typed answers in Spanish correctly and responded well when they were asked to participate orally. There is no doubt that I am delighted with the way these children are paying attention and participating with such an enthusiastic attitude. I look forward to my next lesson with them.

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