Tuesday 12 March 2013

Tute: Lesson 1 evaluation

During the lesson the following areas were covered:

1)     Pupils were taught how to describe the seasons of the year in Spanish.

2)     Pupils were taught Spanish vocabulary to be able to talk about the weather every day.

3)     Pupils learnt phrases to talk about the weather in the present and the future.

4)     Finally, pupils were taught to describe the weather in the Autumn, Summer and December.

How the students responded to the lesson:          

The year 4 pupils who participated in the Spanish lesson today were very well behaved and keen to answer questions when asked to do so. They repeated Spanish vocabulary extremely well and were very good at translating Spanish words and phrases into English when talking about the weather and seasons. Following this Spanish lesson today, I am thrilled to say that the pupils were a pleasure to teach and I look forward to the next lesson with them.


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