Sunday 6 October 2013

After School Spanish Club September 2013

We are delighted to have Senorita Sara Alonso from Spain currently providing an after school Spanish club for our children. Senorita Alonso first worked at our school 4 years ago and she has been working at Royds Language College since then. She is a qualified Teacher and provides the children with a wonderful opportunity to learn  Spanish language from a native speaker in a fun and exciting way.
If you are interested in joining the Spanish club please speak to myself or Mrs Cookson and we will let you know if there are any places .The club runs every Monday between 3.15 and 4.15 and is open to children in keystage 2.

Wednesday 10 April 2013

During Spring 2 the children in Keystage 1 looked at the  christian religion during RE . The children looked at the designs on stained glass windows inside churches and then created their own stained glass window in the shape of an Easter Egg.They added an easter message to their design in Spanish

                                   !Felices Pascuas!.

Tuesday 9 April 2013

Summer 1 Spanish Keystage 1

This half term the children in Keystage 1 will be covering topics on numbers,colours,days of the week, greetings and classroom commands.They will produce a display which will include aspects of the above topics either in written form or illustrations.
If you wish to support your children with some of the vocabulary for this please log onto the following website. about me/
The children have now taken part in their fourth session of on line Spanish with Tute and are finding it an enjoyable and fun way of learning the Spanish language below is some feedback from the tutor for that session. 

Robin Hood
Group / Subject
La Ropa ( repaso) (Clothing) (revision)
21th of March 2013
Tutor Overview: During the lesson the following areas were covered:
1)     Pupils were taught to understand and practise clothing vocabulary in Spanish.
2)     Pupils were encouraged to pronounce clothing vocabulary in Spanish individually and as a whole class.
3)     Pupils were encouraged to write various sentences in Spanish to describe the colour of different items of clothing e.g The shirt is blue and yellow (La camisa es azul y amarillo).
4)     Finally, pupils repeated with correct pronunciation the sentences they had written in Spanish to describe the colour of various items of clothing individually and as a whole class.
How the pupils responded to the lesson:
During the lesson today the pupils participated in a lively and motivated manner. The ability of the pupils to recall what they have been taught in Spanish during the lessons is evident which is pleasing to see. I am impressed with the ability of these children to pronounce vocabulary in Spanish. It was obvious today, that the pupils enjoyed learning about clothing in Spanish and how to write basic sentences to describe it. I am thrilled to say that I am never disappointed as far as the willingness of these children to participate in the lesson is concerned they are clearly making excellent progress. I look forward to my next lesson with them.
Kerry Grigg

Friday 15 March 2013

Tute Evaluation

Feedback from session 3 of TUTE undertaken by Robin Hood pupils in year 3/4
Tutor Overview: During the lesson the following areas were covered:
1)     Pupils were taught how to understand and remember basic clothing vocabulary in English and to know what it means in Spanish.
2)     Pupils were taught to learn and repeat correctly Spanish clothing vocabulary and basic expressions.
3)     Pupils were taught how to write simple sentences in Spanish to describe the clothing different people wear.
How the pupils responded to the lesson:               
The year 4 pupils who participated in the Spanish lesson on the topic of clothing today were again very enthusiastic and willing to repeat key clothing vocabulary and expressions when requested. It is obvious that the pupils enjoy very much both speaking individually and as a class in Spanish and they are working hard to learn the correct spelling of Spanish vocabulary. In addition to this, the pupils are memorising Spanish words and expressions to describe clothing and what they mean in English which is excellent. Once again, today the pupils worked hard to give typed answers in Spanish to the best of their ability and listened well when asked to participate orally. The children who participated with me in the Spanish lesson today seem to enjoy the lesson very much however, if you could ask the children not to blow into the microphone or have it too close to their mouths it will help them to be able to hear me more clearly. As always, I look forward to my next lesson with them.

Tuesday 12 March 2013

Tute: Lesson 2 evaluation

Tutor Overview: During the lesson the following areas were covered:

1)     Pupils were taught how to understand and remember basic weather vocabulary in English and to know what it means in Spanish.

2)     Pupils were taught to learn and repeat correctly Spanish weather vocabulary and basic expressions.

3)     Pupils were taught how to write simple sentences in Spanish to describe the weather.

How the students responded to the lesson:          
The year 4 pupils who participated in the Spanish lesson on the revised topic of the weather today were very keen to repeat key weather vocabulary and expressions when asked to do so. It is clear that these pupils are making progress with their Spanish pronunciation. Furthermore, the pupils are now recalling what these Spanish words and expressions to describe the weather mean in English which is very pleasing to see. The pupils worked hard to give typed answers in Spanish correctly and responded well when they were asked to participate orally. There is no doubt that I am delighted with the way these children are paying attention and participating with such an enthusiastic attitude. I look forward to my next lesson with them.

Tute: Lesson 1 evaluation

During the lesson the following areas were covered:

1)     Pupils were taught how to describe the seasons of the year in Spanish.

2)     Pupils were taught Spanish vocabulary to be able to talk about the weather every day.

3)     Pupils learnt phrases to talk about the weather in the present and the future.

4)     Finally, pupils were taught to describe the weather in the Autumn, Summer and December.

How the students responded to the lesson:          

The year 4 pupils who participated in the Spanish lesson today were very well behaved and keen to answer questions when asked to do so. They repeated Spanish vocabulary extremely well and were very good at translating Spanish words and phrases into English when talking about the weather and seasons. Following this Spanish lesson today, I am thrilled to say that the pupils were a pleasure to teach and I look forward to the next lesson with them.



We are always interested in ways in which we can extend our Spanish curriculum and this half term are exploring the use of Tute, an online learning platform in which social technology including an interactive whiteboard, microphone, webcam and chat are used to provide a tailored teaching programme. Lewis, Charlie, Videet, Lauren, Taylor and Amelia in Year 3/4 are taking part in a weekly online class with a fully qualified Spanish teacher through Tute, in which they are learning about the weather and clothing. We hope to incorporate Tute into our future Spanish provision following this trial period.

Lower Keystage 2 Spanish

In LKS2 the children are learning about the weather and items of clothing,
this follows on from last half terms themes when the children learnt the months of the year and the seasons in Spanish.
They have used a range of resources to help them with their learning including Spanish dictionaries,
 I-pads and computers.


Keystage 1 Spanish

The children in Keystage 1 have been learning colours, numbers and days of the week.
The children have used computers and I-pads to practise the new language.
The children will be making Easter cards as part of their RE topic and they will be using the Spanish language to write their Easter Greeting.

Monday 22 October 2012

Spanish Language


This half term Key Stage 1 have  used a range of vocabulary with their puppets if you would like to have a go and learn Spanish with your children here are some of the words we have been learning.

Hola = Hello   buenas dias = good day/good morning  adios = goodbye  que tal ? = how are you?

muy bien = very good  bien = good  fatal = not so good me llamo Pedro = my name is ......

Soy Pedro = I'm Pedro gracias = thankyou

Numbers  1-10  uno  dos  tres  cuatro  cinco  seis  siete ocho  nueve  diez

Colours azul  amarillo  rosa  rojo verde naranja negro  blanco = white

Sock Puppets Key Stage 1

Sunday 21 October 2012

Spanish Sock Puppets

This half term the children in Keystage 1 and Lower Keystage 2 have made some fantastic sock puppets during Spanish which have been used by the children in role play. The children have grown in confidence speaking Spanish through their puppets and they have had some fantastic, fluent conversations with their peers via the puppets.The puppets made by Keystage 1 are currently on display in school.

Tuesday 27 March 2012

Year 1/2 Miss Mees Class

The children were practising having a conversation in Spanish giving information about themselves, their name, age and where they live. Amazing !!!

Thursday 22 March 2012

Spanish recordings from the Spanish Club 22.03.12

The children made some more recordings in the Spanish club to add to the blog this week.
I am sure you will agree we have some fabulous and confident Spanish speakers in our school.
Muy Bien !!

Monday 19 March 2012

Year 34

In year3/4 the children have been practising their spoken Spanish with our Spanish assistant Ines.
Have a listen I am sure you will enjoy it.

Thursday 15 March 2012

Spanish Club 15.03.12

In Spanish club today the children have been recording themselves and then made a Voki to listen to their excellent spoken spanish. Hope you enjoy it!!

Tuesday 6 March 2012

Spanish Club

In Spanish after school club the children have been learning about Spanish Festivals. The children made hats and then learnt a traditional Spanish festival song. If you click on the photograph it will take you to a link with the song on so you can join in.