Monday 22 October 2012

Spanish Language


This half term Key Stage 1 have  used a range of vocabulary with their puppets if you would like to have a go and learn Spanish with your children here are some of the words we have been learning.

Hola = Hello   buenas dias = good day/good morning  adios = goodbye  que tal ? = how are you?

muy bien = very good  bien = good  fatal = not so good me llamo Pedro = my name is ......

Soy Pedro = I'm Pedro gracias = thankyou

Numbers  1-10  uno  dos  tres  cuatro  cinco  seis  siete ocho  nueve  diez

Colours azul  amarillo  rosa  rojo verde naranja negro  blanco = white

Sock Puppets Key Stage 1

Sunday 21 October 2012

Spanish Sock Puppets

This half term the children in Keystage 1 and Lower Keystage 2 have made some fantastic sock puppets during Spanish which have been used by the children in role play. The children have grown in confidence speaking Spanish through their puppets and they have had some fantastic, fluent conversations with their peers via the puppets.The puppets made by Keystage 1 are currently on display in school.