Tuesday 27 March 2012

Year 1/2 Miss Mees Class

The children were practising having a conversation in Spanish giving information about themselves, their name, age and where they live. Amazing !!!

Thursday 22 March 2012

Spanish recordings from the Spanish Club 22.03.12

The children made some more recordings in the Spanish club to add to the blog this week.
I am sure you will agree we have some fabulous and confident Spanish speakers in our school.
Muy Bien !!

Monday 19 March 2012

Year 34

In year3/4 the children have been practising their spoken Spanish with our Spanish assistant Ines.
Have a listen I am sure you will enjoy it.

Thursday 15 March 2012

Spanish Club 15.03.12

In Spanish club today the children have been recording themselves and then made a Voki to listen to their excellent spoken spanish. Hope you enjoy it!!

Tuesday 6 March 2012

Spanish Club

In Spanish after school club the children have been learning about Spanish Festivals. The children made hats and then learnt a traditional Spanish festival song. If you click on the photograph it will take you to a link with the song on so you can join in.